Communication – it’s how ideas are transferred, thoughts are exchanged, intentions are expressed, and meanings are understood. One can say that the entirety of functioning society is based on some type of communication. It is also quite sensible to say that the more effectively we communicate, the more highly we function.

Yet, words are so important. Just think of how much we all use words everywhere – even right now as you read this. All of our verbal communication is based on the usage of words which are just letters that symbolize sounds that are jumbled together to transfer some specific meaning. Words are merely symbols that carry within them a meaning, and the meaning within the symbol is the precious cargo that the symbol carries.

As much as we attempt to choose exact symbols in order to express an accurate impression of the meaning we intend to imply, the symbol will usually be interpreted differently by different beholders. Hence, this is why its so important for us to always keep our focus on the meaning itself – and to not get caught up in the symbols themselves – because a symbol is merely a conditional transporter that can easily be transformed and converted according to the situation and the audience. The essential element is always the intention of the meaning. The intention is the source. We must keep in mind that symbols are merely instruments that can easily be switched and replaced; the most important part is the intention of the meaning within. Intention is the essence within. Begin Within.

Our inward intention and our outward actions are non-verbal symbols that speak louder than our words. The way we choose to be and behave is the most dominant way of how we communicate. When we become aware of this, we learn that how we are and how we act is more influential than what we say. We can then learn how Non-verbal symbols can be utilized in practical ways to help express ideas and feelings that go beyond words. These non-verbal Symbols help us communicate effectively by translating the abstract into a concrete expression, because symbols have the capacity of expressing many words at once in a precise and succinct way. Non-verbal symbols include your general attitude, as well as your actions and your body language - like facial expressions and eye contact. For example, the act of smiling is a non-verbal type of communication that has powerful meaning in its expression. A smile is the symbol of a positive Intention / Attitude within. When we smile, we are outwardly expressing a symbol that represents an inward intention. Instead of saying “I am happy,” the symbol of a smile says it all without saying a thing.
Utilizing any non-verbal symbol is a highly effective way of communicating beyond words – thereby allowing the potential for expression and understanding to expand. Communicating non-verbally is an exercise in which we feel as though we are practicing telepathy because we engage in transmitting and receiving information without the use of any words! This type of activity is an experience in which the brain begins to consciously and actively work with the power of influence found in one's inward intention and outward behavior. We realize that we communicate with more than just words, but also with our actions, our gestures, and our attitude. Hence, how we act can speak louder than what we say.

☺ is the symbol of a Smiling Face.
A Smiling Face is the symbol of a Positive Intention / Attitude within.
Symbols represent the Intention within.
You are a symbol.
You are a symbol.
Begin Within.
☺ ☻