what you like.
Imagine not what you do not like;
Imagine only what you do like.
Imagine only what you do like.
to Think with Feeling.
The Mind has Thoughts; the Heart has Feelings.
When Thoughts are applied to understand & energize Feelings,
the Mind is thus utilized to activate the Heart.
the Mind is thus utilized to activate the Heart.
To Think with Feeling is the Union of Heart & Mind.
as you read this.
as I write this
countless others are writing
as you read this
countless others are reading
countless others are learning to read
countless others are reading to learn
countless other learnings to read
countless other learnings to write
countless writings to learn
countless moments to learn
countless moments
countless others
as you read this
countless others are writing
as you read this
countless others are reading
countless others are learning to read
countless others are reading to learn
countless other learnings to read
countless other learnings to write
countless writings to learn
countless moments to learn
countless moments
countless others
as you read this
This Moment.
We can never really determine the outcome;
It's in the future and does not yet exist.
The only thing that we can determine is
Ourselves Now in This Moment..
To be Present to how one feels
in This Moment
creates an atmosphere
which therefore allows
the greater work to be realized.
It's in the future and does not yet exist.
The only thing that we can determine is
Ourselves Now in This Moment..
To be Present to how one feels
in This Moment
creates an atmosphere
which therefore allows
the greater work to be realized.
the Infinite Presence.
All Truths are self-evident.

the perpetual Realization of God
as Infinitely Present in Self & in All.
God -
the perpetual Essence of Energy
Infinitely Present in Self & in All.
Energy -
the perpetual Presence of Vibrations
Infinitely Present in Self & in All.
~ Realize Perpetual Vibrations of
Infinite Presence in Self & in All ~
Infinite Presence in Self & in All ~
If you think "god" just means some old dude up in the sky,
then you probably don't believe in god.
If you think "god" is just a word
that aims to describe
the energy that is infinitely present in All,
then everyone probably believes in God.
then you probably don't believe in god.
If you think "god" is just a word
that aims to describe
the energy that is infinitely present in All,
then everyone probably believes in God.
Everyone is Extraordinary.
Anytime you think you're better than someone..
Or anytime you think someone is better than you..
Those are delusions of the Ego.
How could each unique person ever be comparable ?
No-one is above or below another.
Every-one is Extra-ordinary in their own way.
Or anytime you think someone is better than you..
Those are delusions of the Ego.
How could each unique person ever be comparable ?
No-one is above or below another.
Every-one is Extra-ordinary in their own way.
how to Be Love.
Have / Do / Be
Be / Do / Have
We 'have' thoughts & feelings.
We 'do' actions.
We 'are' beings.
Your vibrational imprint as a human being is the totality of all your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
All of what you think & feel, plus everything you say & do – it all amounts to your total vibration.
The inner self is comprised of the thoughts and feelings that occur within us.
The outer self is comprised of the actions which manifest as a result of our inner self –
As we interact with the world around us.
The entirety of our inner and outer self becomes how we are who we are.
* The thoughts we choose directly influence the feelings we have – inner self.
Our thoughts & feelings directly influence the actions we choose to do – outer self.
What we choose our inner self to be
is how we choose what our outer self will be -
which becomes who we are.
If we choose to have thoughts of Love, we will have feelings of Love – a Loving inner self.
Then, we choose to do actions of Love – a Loving outer self.
Therefore, we become Love – a Loving being.
Have Love Inwardly.
Do Love Outwardly.
Be Love Totally.
what Rings True for you.
When people come to me with a question, I do what I do for my own questions:
I take an honest look at what I know, and what I don't know.
I take an honest look at what I know, and what I don't know.
Along with knowledge gathered from a variety of sources (such as certain books and individuals),
I look to my own intuitive inner knowingness to point toward the answers.
*All you need is your own inner knowingness to answer all your questions.
But, yes, sometimes we may benefit from seeking some external hints and nudges.
So, I follow the hints which have resonance for me - they resonate within me.
Truth truly “rings a bell” within.
~ the Bell Tolls for All ~
Analogy in everything.
The use of Analogy has a prevailing universality found ubiquitously in all cultures and minds.
I can recall many analogies my parents have told me from axioms in our Persian heritage:
Proverbs, sayings, stories, quick verses, epic poems, & folk songs.
There are some things that can only be described and understood with analogies
because of the expressive and expressible way they carry inexpressible ideas.
because of the expressive and expressible way they carry inexpressible ideas.
Analogies convey profound depths of meaning which transcend into vast dimensions of comprehension;
An analogy transmits a comprehensive scope of information that consists of
multiple implications which are connected together
through a nexus of associated meaning.
Inherent associations between the implications
allow for the synchronized transfer of multiple meanings.
An analogy transmits a comprehensive scope of information that consists of
multiple implications which are connected together
through a nexus of associated meaning.
Inherent associations between the implications
allow for the synchronized transfer of multiple meanings.
An analogy is the multifaceted amalgamation of coalesced implications -
converging to form into one unified implication.
converging to form into one unified implication.
Throughout the fiber of Analogy, a connective thread is pervasively infused -
linking all the meanings together to form the overall meaning.
“A picture says a thousand words.”
An image can be the symbol of an entire story,
A story can be the symbol of an entire lifetime.
A story can be the symbol of an entire lifetime.
Analogy is the channeling of meanings
into an expressible & graspable medium
through which an array of inexpressible & ungraspable implications can thus be expressed & grasped.
When we express an implication that we can grasp,
the deeper inexpressible implications that are connected by associated meaning are thus also expressed.
When we grasp an implication that can be expressed,
the associated ungraspable implications can be grasped.
into an expressible & graspable medium
through which an array of inexpressible & ungraspable implications can thus be expressed & grasped.
When we express an implication that we can grasp,
the deeper inexpressible implications that are connected by associated meaning are thus also expressed.
When we grasp an implication that can be expressed,
the associated ungraspable implications can be grasped.
*The magic of Analogy :
Expressing what can be grasped
Allows for the expression of the inexpressible.
Grasping what can be expressed
Allows for the grasping of the ungraspable.
Any & All Art is Analogy.
All of Life has correlation.
Every bit of life has meaning.
Every moment. Every person, place, situation…
There is Analogy in everything throughout all nature and all states of being – Waking & Dreaming…
A Metaphor consists of many micro-implications that converge to form the overall macro-implication.
Life consists of many micro-metaphors that converge to form the overall macro-metaphor(s) of our Lives.
The most intricately meaningful metaphors are in dreams.
A Metaphor consists of many micro-implications that converge to form the overall macro-implication.
Life consists of many micro-metaphors that converge to form the overall macro-metaphor(s) of our Lives.
The grasping of a micro-implication leads to the grasping of macro-implications.
To grasp a micro-metaphor leads to the grasping of Life's macro-metaphor(s).
Respect / Love
When you demand it, you won't get any -
When you give it, you get it.
When you give it, you get it.
a Conscious Diversion.
the following is an the elaboration of a frequently-asked question:
~ How to move on ~
1) Neutralize:
Accept the person / situation as it is;
Dissolve negatively-charged thoughts trapped in your energy-space.
Accept the person / situation as it is;
Dissolve negatively-charged thoughts trapped in your energy-space.
2) Release:
Let go by dispelling any thoughts of that person / situation;
Clear it from your energy-space.
Let go by dispelling any thoughts of that person / situation;
Clear it from your energy-space.
3) Replace:
Create a Conscious Diversion by supplanting those previous thoughts w/ any other thoughts;
Find engaging topics & projects to occupy your mind & replenish your energy-space -
preferably healthy / enlightening.
Create a Conscious Diversion by supplanting those previous thoughts w/ any other thoughts;
Find engaging topics & projects to occupy your mind & replenish your energy-space -
preferably healthy / enlightening.
If you tell yourself, "Don't think of the Rain" then you're still just thinking about the rain.
But, if you say, "Think of the Sun" then you have truly transformed your inner climate.
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