Have / Do / Be
Be / Do / Have
We 'have' thoughts & feelings.
We 'do' actions.
We 'are' beings.
Your vibrational imprint as a human being is the totality of all your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
All of what you think & feel, plus everything you say & do – it all amounts to your total vibration.
The inner self is comprised of the thoughts and feelings that occur within us.
The outer self is comprised of the actions which manifest as a result of our inner self –
As we interact with the world around us.
The entirety of our inner and outer self becomes how we are who we are.
* The thoughts we choose directly influence the feelings we have – inner self.
Our thoughts & feelings directly influence the actions we choose to do – outer self.
What we choose our inner self to be
is how we choose what our outer self will be -
which becomes who we are.
If we choose to have thoughts of Love, we will have feelings of Love – a Loving inner self.
Then, we choose to do actions of Love – a Loving outer self.
Therefore, we become Love – a Loving being.
Have Love Inwardly.
Do Love Outwardly.
Be Love Totally.