
Love is more than a word.

We say we Love;
Is that really so -
If we act in ways
That our Love doesn't show.

We know there's Love;
'Cause we all say so -
So lets all learn to
Let the Love show.

Love, Love,
Such a word we say..
We say everyday
And in so many ways.

Love, Love,
So much more than a word..
So lets all learn to
Let Love be Heard.

 "Love is more than a word."


Contrast & Balance.

Simple Complexity / Complex Simplicity

How can two contradicting elements be united? 

The Pendulum of Paradox swings back and forth between two contrasting elements.
When the pendulum swings too far toward either element, the excessive extreme can become obstructive and disruptive to life. However, the experiences of extremes are ultimately what teach us about Contrast & Balance.

For example:
If we have excessive Organization, then we are too strict with our adherence to boundaries - which is constraining and limiting. Excessive organization is deficient in flexibility. On the other hand, if we have excessive Flexibility, then we are too lenient with our adherence to boundaries - which can result in the experience of chaos. Excessive flexibility is deficient in organization. In other words, when we are too flexible, we lack organization; when we are too organized, we lack flexibility.
When the Pendulum of Paradox swings towards the extreme of either element, there occurs some type of obstruction. However, by experiencing extremes we learn how to understand Contrast.

When we understand Contrast, we discover the key to Balance:
Balance is allowing the pendulum to consistently undulate back and forth between both elements so that neither is neglected.
Balance is the absence of excessiveness and deficiency - as the pendulum gently sways back and forth - in and out of each element. Balance is achieved by learning how to embody all contrasting elements simultaneously, so that they work together as one. 
Applied to the example above, the balance is found when we are neither too organized nor too flexible; 
Its found when we are organized in a flexible way & flexible in an organized way.

Organized Flexibility / Flexible Organization

Yin & Yang



how to move on.

How do we move on from someone?

Think of anything you can accept about them,
and then think of anything except them.





your Beliefs.

Lesson for the [every]day: 

"My beliefs create my world. 
Thus, it matters not what anyone else believes about my world, 
because it is only Me who creates My beliefs."




Introspection of Inner Reflection.
Examination of Contemplation.
Deliberation of Consideration.
Concentration of Meditation.
Celebration of Cerebration.
Recognition of Cognition.
Reconnaissance of Essence.
Awareness of Awareness.



In the lull of twilights' lullaby, 
The quietude of quiescent activity
Grants activeness still to be idle
While idleness remains active.



the Allusion.

A gilded trail of glimmer
Echoes on an ocean –
Aimed at its beholder.

A sphere of kaleidoscopic hues
Gingerly moves –
Casting an encircling cycle.

An orb of immense gravity;
Another of miniature immensity –
Appearing equivalent in enormity.

A panorama of illusory phenomena;
A paragon of a lexicon of allusion –
Crafted to form a culminating conclusion.



your work.

What work does a counselor do?
She counsels.

What does a painter do?
She paints.
A writer?
She writes.
A composer?
A philosopher?
A believer?
A lover?
A Being?



your Nature.

I feel delighted
By the thought of living
In Nature,
Nowhere - 

Yet, here I am, now:
Living amidst mainstream society;
The mainland of thought.

In my interior being,
I carry a warm sunny Island:
Apart from the mainstream of mainland...
It is here where sanctuary is found.
Here is where I find my Nature.

Here I keep a deep smile –
It stays all the while.
Here I keep a close few –
They cause joy to ensue.
Here I feel free –
Enjoy life’s company.
Here I am –
I’m there right Now.

The Island is 
Nowhere – 



*a prayer*

Everyday, I evolve.
Grounded by the moment,
Growing by the moment,
I stretch into the Light.
With inner fusion,
I emanate.
What I radiate is how I communicate.
My legacy is what I emit.
I am a source of Life.

I am a Human.
