
actions speak louder than words.

Communication – it’s how ideas are transferred, thoughts are exchanged, intentions are expressed, and meanings are understood. One can say that the entirety of functioning society is based on some type of communication. It is also quite sensible to say that the more effectively we communicate, the more highly we function.

There are two main avenues of communication. The first of these avenues is concrete and defined; this is verbal communication through the expression of words – concretely expressed by being either spoken or written. The other avenue of communication is non-verbal, and this involves our attitude, our disposition, our body language, and our behavior. We communicate non-verbally with the intentions we have, with our demeanor, and with the actions we choose to take – including our mannerisms and physical expressions. It is said that 80% of communication is non-verbal.

         Yet, words are so important. Just think of how much we all use words everywhere – even right now as you read this. All of our verbal communication is based on the usage of words which are just letters that symbolize sounds that are jumbled together to transfer some specific meaning. Words are merely symbols that carry within them a meaning, and the meaning within the symbol is the precious cargo that the symbol carries.

            Although the meaning itself is the crucial purpose of a symbol, the symbol itself is also vital because it is the vehicle by which the meaning can thus be expressed. Without the symbol, the meaning could not be manifested into expression. Thus, the symbol is also precious because it is the means by which the meaning can be brought into manifestation – and can thus be known and understood. The symbol manifests because of the meaning it carries, and the meaning manifests because of the symbol that carries it. 

As much as we attempt to choose exact symbols in order to express an accurate impression of the meaning we intend to imply, the symbol will usually be interpreted differently by different beholders. Hence, this is why its so important for us to always keep our focus on the meaning itself – and to not get caught up in the symbols themselves – because a symbol is merely a conditional transporter that can easily be transformed and converted according to the situation and the audience. The essential element is always the intention of the meaning. The intention is the source. We must keep in mind that symbols are merely instruments that can easily be switched and replaced; the most important part is the intention of the meaning within. Intention is the essence within. Begin Within.

The purpose of communication is rooted in the abstract world of meaning and intention. The intention we hold within us is the most powerful communicator of the deepest source of meaning.  

Our inward intention and our outward actions are non-verbal symbols that speak louder than our words. The way we choose to be and behave is the most dominant way of how we communicate. When we become aware of this, we learn that how we are and how we act is more influential than what we say. We can then learn how Non-verbal symbols can be utilized in practical ways to help express ideas and feelings that go beyond words. These non-verbal Symbols help us communicate effectively by translating the abstract into a concrete expression, because symbols have the capacity of expressing many words at once in a precise and succinct way. Non-verbal symbols include your general attitude, as well as your actions and your body language - like facial expressions and eye contact. For example, the act of smiling is a non-verbal type of communication that has powerful meaning in its expression. A smile is the symbol of a positive Intention / Attitude within. When we smile, we are outwardly expressing a symbol that represents an inward intention. Instead of saying “I am happy,” the symbol of a smile says it all without saying a thing.

Utilizing any non-verbal symbol is a highly effective way of communicating beyond words – thereby allowing the potential for expression and understanding to expand. Communicating non-verbally is an exercise in which we feel as though we are practicing telepathy because we engage in transmitting and receiving information without the use of any words! This type of activity is an experience in which the brain begins to consciously and actively work with the power of influence found in one's inward intention and outward behavior. We realize that we communicate with more than just words, but also with our actions, our gestures, and our attitude. Hence, how we act can speak louder than what we say.

The practical application of this lesson is to apply it toward how we live our lives and to take this practice into every moment so we can employ its understanding into all our interactions and exchanges. When we learn to remember that our communication is more than just our words, we remember to be conscious of the non-verbal ways we are communicating at all times. When we are conscious of how we are non-verbally communicating, we become aware of the ways in which our attitude and our behavior serve as the primary, most powerful means of expression.

 is the symbol of a Smiling Face.
A Smiling Face is the symbol of a Positive Intention / Attitude within.
Symbols represent the Intention within.
You are a symbol.
Begin Within. 

☺ ☻ 


to Begin Within.

100 principals were asked about the people-skills they look for when hiring a new teacher.
In no particular order, the following traits were listed:
--Good attitude / optimistic, --Love of learning / inspiring this in others, --Handling stress / being resilient, --Ability to read emotions, --Responsible, --Resourceful, --Willingness to try something new or different, --Likes people / children, --Willing to be a role model, --Wants to make a difference, -- Being a team member,  --Enthusiastic,  --Good sense of humor,  --Flexible,  --Creative,  --Self-confident, --Passionate about what you do.

How can we ever teach ourselves all of these many traits? It may seem daunting to try to memorize all those qualities and to try to make sure each item is checked off the list. 
But, the way to change / modify our actions begins with our thoughts and feelings – Begin Within.

By modifying the intention & attitude we hold within us, we are aiming to modify our thoughts and feelings, and thus consequently our actions. All of the above traits are just outward manifestations of one way or mode of being which begins from within us. That mode of being is the umbrella that holds all these traits together.

~ If you hold the umbrella, then you hold all the traits it carries. ~

The concept / term that is the umbrella holding together all the traits listed above and sums up the source of all these traits into ONE word is: CARE; Caringness; To be Caring. This umbrella term is just a word I chose to describe a type of general attitude which is positive and compassionate towards all of Life: every moment and person. There are other words such as Compassion and Love that can be used as well. However, Care is such a useful and practical term because it is not so abstract or loaded with connotations. The concept of Care is graspable and precise. It’s about Caring.
When we are Caring, we have the best intention for all aspects of Life – including others and ourselves.
When we have Caringness, we are wishing the best for the situation and everyone involved.
To be Caring is to want a positive experience for All.
Caringness is about being open to allow everyone to reach the best possible experience.
Care is about being present to each moment and to each person.
Care is about being accountable for what you care about.
Care is acceptance and appreciation.
Care is Love.

When we Care, then we take care – we give Care to the fullness of our capacity.

Ask yourself: is it possible for you to be Caring and to NOT live out any of those traits listed above?
The state of Caringness is one which effortlessly ensures that all those traits are naturally manifested because there is no other way of being if one is being Caring.
This is what “Begin Within” is all about. It’s about changing the world within you, which then changes the world around you. The inner atmosphere we create is the one we outwardly manifest. One can not create a positive outer reality if one’s inner reality is not positive.
When we create the energy of Caringness from within, then the only natural result is that this Care will manifest outwardly. 
Then, the outward manifestation of one’s inner climate of Care will precipitate to spread onto other people as they begin to shift their inner climate as well - from the catalyst of being inspired by feeling positive energy. 

People will shift their energy when you shift yours. 

Begin Within.  



Truth & Love.






True Joy ~

It comes from recognizing one’s own worth from within.

--> Not from the brief pleasure of external confirmation,

but from the pure solid bliss of inner confirmation of worth.
